
The Chem-Dry® Advantage


Regular carpet cleaning from Chem-Dry® results in well-maintained carpets and fabrics, a reduction of allergens, dirt and dust – and a healthier environment for you and your family.

The secret to our drier, healthier carpet and upholstery cleans is the power of effervescent carbonating cleaning bubbles in our patented cleaning solution we call The Natural®.

The Natural® combines safe, non-toxic ingredients copied from Mother Nature which penetrate deep into the fabrics of your upholstery, lifting dirt particles and allergies to the surface for easy extraction, rather than forcing them back down into the fabric.

This patented, naturally based and drier carpet cleaning process, coupled with professionally trained cleaning technicians, puts us way ahead of other carpet cleaning companies.



Tested and Proven Superior Results

Interior_graph_image1_TRANSOur Hot Carbonating Extraction (HCE) process was tested by a leading independent air quality laboratory in multiple homes. The lab found that Chem-Dry removes an average of 98.1% of common household allergens from carpets and upholstery. The common allergens tested were dog and cat dander and dust mite allergens.

Additionally, our HCE process, when coupled with a sanitizer, was found to remove an average of 89% of the airborne bacteria in the home and 82.3% of the bacteria in carpets.